Moodle Support

The eLearning Support team can help you with online course creation, as well as course enrollment, and long-term shell management strategies.

Read the Moodle Course Lifecycle documentation to see what happens in the life of a typical Moodle shell, and who is involved at each step. This includes useful information about backing up course contents for later reuse, or to meet the VCC Records Retention Schedule requirements.

A Moodle ‘shell’ is a space in Moodle where you can add resources and interactivities for your students.

Often, a shell corresponds to a VCC course (it has a CRN, the same name as the course, etc). Sometimes, a course may have more than one Moodle shell associated with it. 

Different departments manage shell creation in different ways: by requesting courses one-by-one, or in bulk. Check with your Department Leader or Program Assistant to see if your department requests new shells in bulk, or if each instructor is responsible for requesting their own shells.

If you need to create a new Moodle shell, or need to copy an existing shell, please read this eLSupport KnowledgeBaase article:

There are a number of ways to find help when you are building or teaching a course in Moodle.

  • In-course help: In Moodle, click the big green "eLearning Support" button on the right;

  • Moodle Documentation: Look for "Moodle Docs for this page" in the bottom footer of every Moodle page;

  • Context-sensitive Help: Look for the (?) help icon when editing anywhere in Moodle.

There are a variety of other ways for you to get help with Moodle:

  • The eLSupport KnowledgeBase offers just-in-time answers to common Moodle questions;
  • You can also send a help request to eLSupport (we'll respond as quickly as we can);
  • Cultivating Rich Learning Experiences in Moodle - Where to find instructions to accomplish specific course-building tasks in Moodle (Word)
  • You can always search YouTube and Google for answers to specific Moodle questions (“how do I grade a quiz?”, “how do I create an assignment?” etc). Because Moodle is the most popular way to deliver online courses worldwide, there are many people creating helpful how-to videos that will probably answer any questions you might have;
  • Instructors have found this YouTube channel useful in answering their Moodle questions: Using Moodle.

Extend your Moodle skills with a host of free training resources from CTLR and others:

  • The CTLR Training Map
    A comprehensive collection of self-paced training modules for VCC faculty and staff;
  • Online Learner Success Express (OLSE)
    Designed for VCC Students: Learn in detail how to navigate and use a Moodle online course. This 3 hour self-directed course shows the kinds of activities found in a VCC online course. (Only available to registered VCC students, faculty, staff or administrators.);
  • Moodle Academy
    Develop skills as a Moodle Educator, Administrator, Designer and Developer with free online courses from the Moodle Academy;
  • LinkedIn Learning (may require VCC login)
    Select from a vast collection of professional online training courses, from LinkedIn Learning.

With advance notice, one-to-one help, or small or large group workshops are all possible.

How to book a training session with eLearning Support

eLearning Support is based at VCC's Downtown campus, but we also have an office at our Broadway campus which we visit regularly. With some notice, we can meet you at your Downtown or Broadway location for one-to-one Moodle support.

To request one-to-one Moodle training at your location or ours:
Email us at