Customize the prompts below to create H5P interactivities and Moodle Quizzes. 

These prompts are designed to be used with Microsoft Copilot in Precise conversation style, and to generate output that can be pasted directly into H5P. However, we recommend that you manually check the format of the output generated by Copilot to make sure it is compatible with H5P requirements.

Type Prompt
H5P Drag the Words

I am creating a learning activity where students drag keywords from a word bank into spaces in a paragraph of text.
The tool I am using requires a very specific format. Here is an example of the format:

*Oslo* is the capital of Norway, *Stockholm* is the capital of Sweden, and *Helsinki* is the capital of Finland. All cities are located in *Scandinavia:Peninusla in the northern part of Europe*.

In the example above, the * sign denotes keywords. Keywords can also include a hint (in the example above the keyword ‘Scandinavia’ has the hint ‘Peninsula in the northern part of Europe’). Hints follow directly after the keyword and are preceded by a ‘:’ sign, as in the example above.

Please create a paragraph using the same formatting on the subject of the history of Vancouver. The output should be 250 words and contain 5 keywords, each with a hint that should be a short definition of the keyword. All keywords should start with a lowercase letter, even if they are the first word in the sentence. The keywords should all be different.

The exercise also includes distractors - one plausible but incorrect alternative for each of the keywords. Display these on a single line below the paragraph, each preceded and followed by the * sign. The incorrect distractors should not include hints and should be all lowercase.

Please output in a markdown code block. The output should not include any additional formatting, such as references or superscript numbering for footnotes.

H5P Quiz (Question Set)

Create a multiple choice quiz about Vancouver. Create 5 questions with 4 different possible answers for each question. 

Output the questions with the question on the first line and the possible answers on the following lines, each on their own line. 

Prefix the correct answer with a *. 

Also suffix the correct answer with ':::' and an explanation for why this was the correct answer.

Separate each question with an empty line. 

Do not add any labels, formatting, bullets or numbering. 

Do not assign letters to the alternatives. 

Follow the described format precisely as I will be pasting the output into another tool that expects this format. 

Please output in a markdown code block. The output should not include any additional formatting, such as references or superscript numbering for footnotes. The asterisks should be included in the output and should not render the following words in italics.

H5P Summary

I am using H5P to create interactive summary tasks. 

H5P presents statements in random order where one statement is correct and the others are false. 

The user is to pick the correct statement and then a new set of statements is presented for the user to pick from until the user has created a summary.

Please create a summary of Vancouver. In the end, the user should end up with 4 correct statements, so create 4 sets of statements. In each set please add 3 incorrect statements, each on their own new line.

This is the format H5P expects: Write each statement on a separate line. Use an empty line to separate sets of statements. The first statement is always correct.

Please output in a markdown code block. The output should not include any additional formatting, such as references or superscript numbering for footnotes.

H5P Fill in the Blanks

Create a fill in the blanks quiz about human anatomy. 

The quiz should have 3 paragraphs with 3 - 5 blanks per paragraph. The blanks should be important words or concepts. 

Each blank should be prefixed and suffixed with asterisks. If the blank can have multiple acceptable synonyms as answers use a forward slash between them and no extra whitespace and add any such acceptable synonyms between the asterisks. Where suitable also add hints to what the correct blank is by prefixing the hint with a : and adding the hint after the correct word(s) and before the asterisk that suffixes the blank. 

Output the answer as preformatted code. Format example: "Office workers typically use a *desk/table:Furniture that has a flat top to place things on* to put their computer on".

Please output in a markdown code block. The output should not include any additional formatting, such as paragraph numbering, references or superscript numbering for footnotes. The asterisks should be included in the output and should not render the following words in italics.

H5P Mark the Words

Create a three paragraph text about Vancouver's history. Prefix and suffix each verb in the text with an asterisk.

Output the text as preformatted code.

Moodle Quiz (Aiken Format)

I am creating a multiple choice quiz on the subject of human anatomy. Please create 10 questions, each of which has four possible answers.

The format of the output must match this example:

What is the correct answer to this question?
A. Is it this one?
B. Maybe this answer?
C. Possibly this one?
D. Must be this one!

The question is on the first line. The possible answers follow beneath this, each on their own line. The answers must be preceded by a capital A, B, C, or D and a period. The last line must begin with the word ANSWER in all caps, followed by a colon and the letter matching the correct answer.

Please separate each question with an empty line.

Please output in a markdown code block. The output should not include any additional formatting, such as question numbers, references or superscript numbering for footnotes.