Accessibility Bites: Image Descriptions

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Date Day Time Room Location
October 26, 2023 Thursday 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM


You often hear others talk about accessibility, but you’re not quite sure how to put it into practice (or maybe you just haven’t had a chance). These Accessibility Bites sessions are for you!

Join your host Helena Prins and facilitator Josie Gray in Zoom for one or all of the five 30-minute sessions taking place on the last Thursday of every month except December.

Session 2: Image Descriptions

This is a short drop-in session that will allow you to practice describing images. If you share images through documents and publications, social media, digital interfaces, or presentations, this session is for you.

What to bring: Any images you want to make accessible — preferably ones you use in your work. We will also have images to practice with if you don’t have any.


  • 15 minutes: Presentation on key things to keep in mind when you describe images. This includes:
    • Who image descriptions are for
    • When and when not to describe an image
    • What to describe and how to describe it
    • How context factors into image descriptions
    • Examples of good and not-so-good image descriptions
  • 10 minutes: Everyone works individually to describe their images. Your host and facilitator will be available for questions.
  • 5 minutes: Everyone will come together to reflect on how it went and ask additional questions.

Register now!

Learn more and register for other events in the series.

This notice is to inform you that this session will be recorded, archived, and made available publicly on By participating in this session, you acknowledge that your participation in this session will be recorded and the recording will be made available openly.

Accessibility Bites: Image Descriptions October 26, 2023 12:00 PM