2025 Vancouver Community College Teaching, Learning and Research Symposium

March 3 & 4, 2025 9:00am-3:30pm (PST)

VCC Teaching, Learning, and Research Symposium 2025:
Teaching and Learning with Heads, Hands, and Hearts

Join us at the VCC Teaching, Learning, and Research Symposium, a dynamic space designed to inspire, connect, celebrate, and deepen learning among educators, staff, students, researchers, administrators, and others in post-secondary education. As a community college dedicated to inclusivity and accessibility, our symposium is free of cost to participants and fully online.

Registration is open here.

Theme: Teaching and Learning with Heads, Hands, and Hearts

Indigenous pedagogy practiced since time immemorial centers holistic learning through attending to the mind, body, spirit and heart, and fosters learning in relationship with connection to community and to land (First Peoples Principles of Learning). Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, a Swiss educator (1746-1827), advocated for a pedagogy of holistic, integrated and experiential learning through heads, hands and hearts. Universal design for learning emphasizes providing multiple means of engagement, representation, and action and expression to accommodate diverse learners’ needs. All these approaches share a common goal of creating inclusive, holistic, and student-centered learning environments.

Keynote Speakers:

We are honored and excited to announce your keynote speakers this year: Dr. Awneet Sivia and Carey Newman.

March 3:  Dr. Awneet Sivia 

Dr. Sivia is the Associate Vice President, Teaching and Learning, University of the Fraser Valley. Dr. Sivia's research and scholarship spans the areas of science teacher education, diversity leadership, social justice education, humanizing pedagogies and leadership in online education. Her latest research studies focus on Indigenizing self-study research, humanizing approaches to curriculum, practices of online school leaders and equity in university program admissions.

Engaging the Head, Hands, and Heart: Teaching through “First Touch” Pedagogy

In today’s dynamic world, the questions of how we educate and what we teach future generations are paramount. Higher education plays a crucial role in these processes, and as instructors, we are compelled to look deeply at our pedagogies, curricula, and assessment practices and respond innovatively. How can we cultivate a generation of learners who can transform, engage, and be present in ways that decolonize and reconcile with Indigenous peoples? What pedagogies call on their hearts as learners? How do instructors create connections between the content and competencies in ways that make learning meaningful, relevant, and practical? These questions drive my passion for a pedagogy of “First Touch”. We will explore what the barriers are to this kind of pedagogy, how to reframe them, and examples of how this kind of pedagogy can inspire truly innovative and heart/mind/hands-centered teaching.

March 4:  Carey Newman 

Carey, whose traditional name is Hayalthkin’geme, is a multi-disciplinary Indigenous artist, master carver, filmmaker, author and public speakerHe holds the position of Impact Chair in Indigenous Art Practices at the University of Victoria. Through his father he is Kwakwak’awakw from the Kukwekum, Giiksam, and WaWalaby’ie clans of northern Vancouver Island, and Coast Salish from Cheam of the Sto:lo Nation along the upper Fraser Valley. Through his mother he is a Settler of English, Irish, and Scottish heritage. In his artistic practice he strives to highlight Indigenous, social, and environmental issues as he examines the impacts of colonialism and capitalism, harnessing the power of material truth to unearth memory and trigger the necessary emotion to drive positive change. He is also interested in engaging with community and incorporating innovative methods derived from traditional teachings and Indigenous worldviews into his process. His most influential work, The Witness Blanket, is made of items collected from residential schools, government buildings and churches across Canada and deals with the subject of Truth and Reconciliation. It is now part of the collection at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights.

Keynote synopsis: From the community engaged and collaborative process of making the Witness Blanket to the Oakland’s Totem, an art project carried out with students at an elementary school, and other art projects along the way, Carey will share how his head, heart, hands, and culture affect his work as an artist, teacher and scholar.

Key topics for the Symposium will include:

  • Indigenous pedagogies
  • Inclusive learning, accessibility, and universal design for learning
  • Student and educator well-being
  • Experiential learning
  • Land-based and place-based learning
  • Authentic assessment
  • Preparing students for emerging needs and opportunities
  • Students as partners in teaching and learning
  • Ethics of technology; educational technology in teaching and learning (including but not limited to generative AI)

Session Schedule:

Day 1 - March 3, 2025


Session Title


9:00 – 9:20

Welcome, Land Acknowledgement and Opening

Elder John Sam/David Wells, Vice President Academic & Applied Research – Vancouver Community College

9:20 – 10:20

Keynote Address:

Engaging the Head, Hands, and Heart: Teaching through “First Touch” Pedagogy

Dr. Awneet Sivia

10:20 – 10:30



10:30 – 11:00

Shared experiences and experiments - teaching and designing courses in a more open, student-centered and holistic way

Kimberley Sutherland (Douglas College)

11:00 – 12:00

Student Showcase

Facilitator: Alicia Copp

12:00 – 12:30



12:30 – 1:30

Student Wellbeing Panel

Facilitator: Jonathon Morris, CEO Canadian Mental Health Association,  Panelists: Susan Toews, Dean – Centre for Preparatory and Liberal Studies (George Brown College); Alex Irwin, Director, Student Well-Being and Support (George Brown College); Clayton Munro – Associate Vice President, Student and Enrolment Services (Vancouver Community College); Isabella Cheung, Student (Vancouver Community College)

1:30 – 2:00

Forest literacies: Developing place-based knowledge through a sensory, embodied walking methodology

Jennifer Cummins (Vancouver Community College)

2:00 – 2:10



2:10 – 2:55

Teaching with AI: Ethics, Creativity, and Student-Centered Innovation

Alice Scheuerman (Kwantlen Polytechnic University)

2:55 – 3:05

Generative Artificial Intelligence in Post-Secondary Education: Paving the Way Forward

Adam Vanzell (Conference Board of Canada)

3:05 – 3:15

Learning together: How relationships shape pedagogical experience and support well-being for immigrant women participating in training 

Kristin Vandegriend (Vancouver Community College)

3:15 - 3:25

A Scan of Post-Secondary Learning Supports for Neurodiverse Students

Sara Yuen (Vancouver Community College)

3:25 – 3:30

Wrap Up



Day 2 - March 4, 2025


Session Title


9:00 – 10:00

Keynote Address:

From the community engaged and collaborative process of making the Witness Blanket to the Oakland’s Totem, an art project carried out with students at an elementary school, and other art projects along the way, Carey will share how his head, heart, hands, and culture affect his work as an artist, teacher and scholar.

Carey Newman

10:00 – 10:45

Strengthening Resilience through Indigenous Land Based Education

Laura Grizzlypaws (Thompson Rivers University)

10:45 – 10:55



10:55 – 11:05

VR Interactive Activities and Immersive Video Technology for Culinary Arts

Ysabel Sukic, Michael Knie (Vancouver Community College)

11:05 – 12:00

Student Showcase

Facilitator: Alicia Copp

12:00 – 12:30



12:30 – 1:15

Explication of the accommodation apparatus: Critical hope for change

Mary DeMarinia (Justice Institute of BC) with co-presenters Brianna Higgins, Sheri Wiwchar, Heidi Parisotto, Venecia Williams (Vancouver Community College)

1:15 - 1:45

Towards a Compassionate Classroom: Focusing on our Students, our Colleagues, and Ourselves

Lydia Watson (Capilano University)

1:45 – 2:00



2:00 – 2:30

2SLGBTQIA+ Student Experiences at Post-Secondary Institutions in the Lower Mainland

Emily Simpson (Vancouver Community College) with Camille Bédard, Liam Ruel and Dr. Tara Lyons (Kwantlen Polytechnic University).

2:30 – 3:00

Conceptualizing Living Curriculum: A Pedagogy of Connection to Land, People, and Stories through an Arts-Based Approach

Vicki MacKenzie-Denis with co-presenter Jing Mao(Coast Mountain College)

3:00 – 3:10

Vancouver Community College’s Technical and Vocational Education: Strategies for Enhanced Engagement and Collaboration

Jennifer Adachi (Vancouver Community College)

3:10 – 3:20

EAT, CARE, and GROW: Cultivating Intercultural and Inclusive Teaching Practices

Jing Mao (Coast Mountain College)

3:20 – 3:30

Wrap Up



Registration is open here.

We hope that you will join us March 3-4, 2025, for this exciting virtual symposium. We look forward to seeing you there! 

If you have any questions or require further information, contact IASupport@vcc.ca

“Effective learning environments pay attention to the whole learner, including the physical, mental, social/emotional, and spiritual aspects of the person. Understanding the holistic nature of life- the interrelationships among all parts of who we are and how we are connected to everything around us – is foundational to Indigenous knowledge about effective teaching.”
- Jo Chrona, Wayi Wah! Indigenous Pedagogies: An Act for Reconciliation and Anti-Racist Education, pg 127.


You can review past symposium contents here.